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星际2自由之翼的实体版将在7月27日上架,但是如果你所在的地区没有销售店面的话,那么你当然也可以在7/27/2010太平洋标准时间上午 10:00 通过数字下载来购买星际2。计划购买数字版的玩家可以通过提前下载客户端来减少等待下载的时间,然后你所需要做的就是在7月27日安装,激活和游戏啦! 查看:StarCraft II StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty warps into stores on July 27, but if there are no vendors within your psionic matrix you will also be able to purchase StarCraft II via digital download on 7/27/2010 10:00 AM PST. Players planning to purchase the game digitally can cut down their waiting time by downloading the game client in advance, so all you’ll need to do on July 27 is install, activate, and play. Click here to learn more. 怎么就让我想到了刚刚通关的古剑奇谭捏。我预定的星际2典藏版会是个悲剧么。数字版怎么规划游戏大区呢。看来暴雪对自己游戏的加密是很有信心。
来源: 随州门户网 发布人:
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